Scrum Training

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Jump here to discover what Scrum is & how you can implement it.

As a Scrum Master I had a chance to use theoretical knowledge in practice & that’s what I want to share with you.

Recent Scrum posts

5 Common Scrum Myths

October 27, 2022 ⌛ 6 min

5 Common Scrum Myths

Is Agile the same as Scrum? Have you ever thought that Daily Scrum is the status meeting and Sprint Review means demo? These are some of the Scrum myths I debunk in this article. Check it out!

#scrum#scrum master#agile#daily scrum#sprint review
Secrets of Successful Scrum Master

October 11, 2022 ⌛ 6 min

Secrets of Successful Scrum Master

What does it mean to be a successful Scrum Master? What are the behaviours that can help you or stop you from serving others?

#scrum#scrum master#scrum roles
Scrum is not a magic wand

October 5, 2022 ⌛ 8 min

Scrum is not a magic wand

Are you wondering if Scrum is a good solution for you? I must warn you - Scrum is not a magic wand, it will not solve all your problems. But in this post I will show you how you can check if Scrum is for you.

#scrum#product development
How to keep Product Backlog healthy?

September 29, 2022 ⌛ 7 min

How to keep Product Backlog healthy?

Are you using the full potential of your Product Backlog? Is it chaotic or well-maintained and ordered? Find out how you can keep it healthy to help your team build high-quality product.

#scrum#product backlog#product owner#product
7 signs of trouble in the Scrum Team

September 26, 2022 ⌛ 8 min

7 signs of trouble in the Scrum Team

Have you noticed issues once implemented Scrum? Are you wondering what could change to help your team improve? Read this post and check out if you didn’t fall into one of the 7th traps I mentioned.

#scrum#scrum team#empiricism
We are all just humans...

October 14, 2021 ⌛ 5 min

We are all just humans...

Welcome back! I wasn't here for a while, but it's time to start writing again. Let me tell you more about myself.

Scrum, Agile and failure

May 25, 2021 ⌛ 6 min

Scrum, Agile and failure

Have you ever thought about failure in regards to Scrum, Agile? How do you deal with failure? In this post you will have a look at a failure from a different angle and discover its value.

#agile#scrum#personal development#learning
How to adapt to change?

April 25, 2021 ⌛ 5 min

How to adapt to change?

People frequently underestimate how even small changes can affect their lives. Changes are unavoidable, so that we need to be ready for them. In this post you can find few things that can help you in the adaptation process.

#agile#learning#personal development#change
Scrum Artifacts #3 The Increment

September 11, 2020 ⌛ 2 min

Scrum Artifacts #3 The Increment

Find out what Increment is, how it is connected with the definition of "Done" and release.

#increment#learning#scrum#scrum artifacts
Scrum Artifacts #2 Sprint Backlog

August 24, 2020 ⌛ 4 min

Scrum Artifacts #2 Sprint Backlog

What is Sprint Backlog? Who is responsible for managing it? How is it created? Jump in to find it out.

#sprint backlog#learning#scrum#scrum artifacts
Scrum Artifacts #1 Product Backlog

August 16, 2020 ⌛ 7 min

Scrum Artifacts #1 Product Backlog

The first post in the Scrum Artifacts series that will help you to understand better Product Backlog and its role in the Scrum.

#product backlog#scrum#scrum artifacts
Scrum Roles #3 Scrum Master

July 27, 2020 ⌛ 5 min

Scrum Roles #3 Scrum Master

Would you like to know who is the Scrum Master? What is her or his role in the Scrum Team?

#sprint#learning#scrum#scrum roles#scrum master
Scrum Roles #2 Product Owner

July 8, 2020 ⌛ 5 min

Scrum Roles #2 Product Owner

Who is the Product Owner? What are her or his responsibilities? Read this post to find out more about this Scrum Role.

#sprint#learning#scrum#scrum roles#product owner
Scrum Roles #1 Development Team

July 2, 2020 ⌛ 6 min

Scrum Roles #1 Development Team

Would you like to know who is in the Development Team and what are respnsibilities of the team? Check out this post to find out more.

#sprint#learning#scrum#scrum roles#development team
Scrum Events #5 Sprint Retrospective

June 25, 2020 ⌛ 6 min

Scrum Events #5 Sprint Retrospective

Let’s talk about my favourite and last Scrum Event - Sprint Retrospective. I described when it is happening and what is the purpose of that event.

#sprint#learning#scrum#scrum events#sprint retrospective
Scrum Events #4 Sprint Review

June 15, 2020 ⌛ 5 min

Scrum Events #4 Sprint Review

Are you at the end of the Sprint wondering what should happen next? It's time for Sprint Review meeting! Here you can find more details about it.

#sprint#scrum#scrum events#sprint review
Scrum Events #3 Daily Scrum

June 8, 2020 ⌛ 7 min

Scrum Events #3 Daily Scrum

Are you wondering what is the purpose of the Daily Scrum? Jump in and learn why it is not a status meeting from my third post in the Scrum Events series.

#sprint#learning#scrum#scrum events#daily scrum
Scrum Events #2 Sprint Planning

June 2, 2020 ⌛ 8 min

Scrum Events #2 Sprint Planning

This article describes all aspects of the Sprint Planning meeting. It will help you to understand the purpose of this event, how it looks like & what you need to remember about.

#sprint#scrum#scrum events#sprint planning
Scrum Events #1 The Sprint

May 25, 2020 ⌛ 5 min

Scrum Events #1 The Sprint

This is the first post in the Scrum Events series that will help you to understand what the Sprint is and what is its role in Scrum.

#sprint#scrum#scrum events
Sprint Goal in Scrum - why do we need it?

May 18, 2020 ⌛ 4 min

Sprint Goal in Scrum - why do we need it?

This article explains what is the purpose and benefits of Sprint Goal in Scrum. If you don’t know what it is and how to use it, check out this post.

#scrum#sprint#sprint goal
6 tips on how to implement Scrum

May 11, 2020 ⌛ 6 min

6 tips on how to implement Scrum

If you think about implementation of the Scrum, but you don’t know where to start, this is the right post for you.

#learning#scrum#agile#scrum implementation
The Importance of Scrum Values

May 3, 2020 ⌛ 4 min

The Importance of Scrum Values

Learn about Scrum Values - a really important and underestimated topic. Discover why they matter & how they are related to Scrum.

#scrum#scrum values
The Relationship between Scrum and Agile

April 26, 2020 ⌛ 4 min

The Relationship between Scrum and Agile

Term “Agile” became much more popular in the last few years. Find out what it is and how it is related to Scrum.

First steps to learn Scrum

April 19, 2020 ⌛ 5 min

First steps to learn Scrum

Would you like to discover what Scrum is, but you don’t really know how to start? This post is perfect for you. Jump in!

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