We are all just humans...
October 14, 2021 • 5 min to read
Welcome back! I wasn't here for a while, but it's time to start writing again. Let me tell you more about myself.
Table of Contents
I’ve been waiting to post something here for a long time. Definitely too long! The longer I waited, the more difficult it was for me to start. I have a confession to make - I am a perfectionist and sometimes it has a really negative impact on my life.
On one hand it is great, because it helps me to keep a high level of quality in everything that I do, but perfectionism has also many negative sides. Sometimes it stops me from doing things that maybe wouldn’t be perfect, but could help me to grow - like this post.
We are all humans
During the last months I’ve been in some mental state of limbo. I had so many great ideas about what I can post here in a business context e.g. interactions between people, scaling, online communication etc, but at the same time I am passionate about eduScrum and wanted to write about it too. But you know what? I realized that I don’t need to feel this pressure and I can just share my thoughts with you!
This blog was mostly informative so far, but let’s be honest, we are all humans (if you are reading this post from Mars, give me some sign please :D ) and it means that we feel emotions which are not always easy.
What did I feel in the last months?
COVID fatigue
Oh God! So many things happened over the last few months.
First of all, we’ve been in lockdown in my state. I was fine with that for a long time, but recently I started feeling tired of being constantly on video calls. You need to know one thing about me - I am an introvert and my social skills are still not on the level that I want (yep, I know that my perfectionist part is talking now). But being an introvert didn’t stop me from feeling anxiety and missing interactions with other people.
I miss being in a room full of people where you can all talk and laugh. I miss situations when you want to ask someone a question and you can just go to their desk instead of calling them on Teams. I think that COVID times are a great moment to appreciate things that you wouldn’t think about before.
Stress and how it is killing us!
Except for lockdown, it was also a challenging time for me in terms of work. I changed my job a few months back and one of the main reasons was stress. I needed to find a space for myself that would help me to grow but in a sustainable manner. I did it and I am super proud of myself and happy that I joined my current company.
But, there is always but! :D Stress that I experienced before, accumulated in my body for a long period of time and it didn’t just go away. Even though in my new job I started to feel safe, my body wasn’t aware of it. For example I am still dealing with my sore jaw muscles. That is a really important lesson.
It’s not worth it to destroy your body and stress too much!
I know that it is easier to say than do it, but I really mean it. This situation showed me that I need to make decisions in my life that are in line with my values & my health.
eduScrum Australia website?
I don’t wanna lie, in the last months I wasn’t just lying on the couch and that’s it. :D Of course I did that a lot, because I have a super comfortable couch that I love! But I also worked a lot in eduScrum space. I’ve started developing my website with my personal software developer: my boyfriend.
It is funny, because I work in software development on a daily basis, but I kind of didn’t realize how much effort is required when you are developing a website alone with your partner. He is working on a coding part, but my role is to design and think about everything that is required on a website. It is interesting, because I started learning how to use tools like Figma and Inkscape. I also discovered how hard it can be to design something that is visually attractive!
At the same time, I’ve been working with people from the eduScrum community to help with the global changes and promotion of the topic. I will be organizing a session soon with Marija & Carina - “How to organize workshops using eduScrum?”. I am super excited, because it can be a great opportunity to share our experiences, but also to learn from others.
New beginnings
As you could read, I experienced a lot in the last months. If I would mention all my emotions and thoughts, this post would never end. I just wanted to let you know that I am still alive and I really wanted to write more frequently, but life is life.
Welcome back and don’t worry, you will still find here some posts about Scrum or eduScrum, but not only. I want you to get to know me better and maybe if you will allow me I want to learn more about you too. :)
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