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Implement Scrum & eduScrum that works!

I will help you to analyse the way you implement Scrum & eduScrum. Together we will create an improvement plan dedicated to your main challenges.

Implementation Consulting

Did you start implementing eduScrum or Scrum and it doesn’t work for you? Do you struggle with converting subject into a project?

This consulting time is the right choice for you. I will help you to analyse what you’ve done so far & we will find a way to improve it.

50 EUR
Per Hour (Minimum 5 sessions)

Review of current Implementation of Scrum/eduScrum

Clarification of definitions

Improvement plan

Practical exercises


Who is the service for?

Teachers, Scrum Masters, Managers who:

  • are struggling with current implementation of Scrum or eduScrum
  • noticed that eduScrum or Scrum doesn’t work for them, but don’t know what to improve
  • need support in turning subject into a project
  • are willing to work on their own, but need someone with fresh eyes
Who is service for

What will you get?

Implementation Review

I will analyse your current way of implementation and highlight the main pain points.

Clarification of definitions

I will explain to you elements of Scrum or eduScrum that have been applied incorrectly.

Improvement Plan

We will craft together the Implementation plan based on the analysis & best practices.

Practical exercises

I will provide you with the list of practical exercises that can improve the collaboration of students or Scrum team.

Are you interested?

Register below & let me know what is your availability.

If you wouldn't hear from me within the next 48 hours, send me an email:

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